Thursday, October 07, 2004

A Black Eye for the 'Peas

Summary - with a wary eye on political correctness, Bridget Johnson ponders the common usage of the word "retarded", in light of a hit song on the radio that is happily titled, "Let's Get It Started," but is indeed called something else entirely different on the original album where it appeared.

Let's change the topic for a second: the Black Eyed Peas fucking suck.

They're a "funky" group, a "multiracial hip-hop project," who have written and performed a bunch of super pop friendly songs. None of them are very good songs. They pander to current trends in music, which we all know are leading the world straight to hell. How else do you explain collaborations with Justin Timberlake, Papa Roach, and bad dreadlocks? How else do you explain picking one of your hot groupies out of the audience, making her the fourth band member, and having her supply endless brain-dead quotes to the media for "We haven't heard anything from Paris Hilton today" space filler? As Dr. Evil would say with a pinky on the lips, "They're the Diet Coke of music. Only one calorie, not musical enough!"

So, when it comes to SUCKAGE, nothing that they can do will surprise me. Changing an entire song title from an offensive term to something as saccharine as "Let's Get It Started" is something I would expect from a group like that.

Now, aside from that, these "Association for Retarded Children" people have it all wrong. Don't denouce use of the word retarded as sensitive - get a new marketing-friendly euphemism for retarded! Call it a Cognitive Impairment Condition. Or Lifelong Learning Challenged. Or DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!, so that they can refer to themselves easily. (I'm going to hell)


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