Tuesday, October 05, 2004

We're experiencing technical difficulties...

Apparently, none of the tabs have their systems working by 11:30am, as we're all still waiting for some REAL news and gossip to come through this late in the day.

So, here's some more mind-numbing entertainment: last night, a contestant - one of the last 5 remaining - was eliminated from "The Benefactor" (a reality show contest for a $1,000,000 prize) by way of...

wait for it...

wait for it...

losing a game of Jenga.

Now, I know these shows already do a fine job of insulting our collective intelligence... erm, what's left of it... but that's just outrageous. There isn't even anything funny about that. I laughed at first, but in a way that's much like the really bad habit I have of laughing when someone tells me that their dog was electrocuted or their grandmother blew herself up by smoking next to an oxygen tank. The end result is just depressing. If you're that contestant - another model-ish guy much like all the others that seem to hit the reality TV attention-whore jackpot - there's no point left to your life anymore. All you can do is have sex with the hottest remaining female contestant and wink into the camera. Then you go home and hang yourself.

Don't fault me for watching it for even 5 minutes while waiting on a line at a UPS terminal. I made it a point to not remember any names, lest I start knowing way too much about this shit.


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