Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The New York Times takes an amusing look at New Jersey bickering

New Jersey Sports Authority Approves Lease for Xanadu

In this corner, we have the hippie environmentalists:
"I think they should put a big dry cleaners in their mall because they have just taken the taxpayers to the cleaners," Jeff Tittel, director of the Sierra Club of New Jersey, said. "With the state paying for most of the needed transportation and road improvements and picking up the tab for all of the problems down the road, this is the most one-sided deal since we got Manhattan for $24."

Jeff, just kill yourself. Spare us whatever remaining awkward analogies you have. You just ruined the English language for the rest of us.

In the other corner, we have big-bucks...big-bucks...STOP! Develop on environmentally sensitive land with a Joni Mitchell inspired parking lot! Yes, the evil New Jersey sprawl-mall developers:
"James F. Dausch, president of Mills's development division, provided the sports authority with new details about the tenants and activities planned for the complex.
Mr. Dausch said the complex would include a child-size city, a digital playground, television studio, indoor sky-diving and ski jumping, a cooking school and theme-oriented tenants like Nickelodeon, Fox Sports, House of Blues and Nascar. While there would be retail areas related to the theme-related spaces, he said, "this doesn't make it a mall any more that having feathers makes a duck a chicken.""

A child-size city? You mean a city for midgets and dwarves!?!? Now THAT'S entertainment! Ooompah loompah doopity doo! And you too: shut up. the bad analogy police just raised us to red alert level.


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