Friday, January 14, 2005

The Plan: Tinker. Organize. Drink more coffee.

I'd really like to start updating this a bit more.

No, really.

I'm serious.

Stop laughing.

The main reason why I haven't updated is because I met with a sudden shortage of time over the holidays. Fair enough. This is a one man show, and nearly every successful blog I've seen was able to withstand the departure of an author - even a primary one - for a week or two.

However, I've been given some time to reflect on my goals and my progress with this blog, and I've judged my former content presentation to be redundant... tedious... and unnecessarily time consuming. Sure, I can make wisecracks about the news, but do I have to spend all day doing rolling updates to pull it off properly? Or can I just do a daily wrap-up?

There's no need to be time-sensitive and late-breaking. That's why we have Gawker, Gothamist, and Fark. They're doing what I do, they were doing it before I started, they do it with a team of professionals (and not a "team of professional"), they do it to a big established audience, and they do it better than I do. I'm barking up the wrong tree. has a better idea for what I'm trying to do. One update a day, well written, with content that doesn't need a team of people. Shiiiiiit, jigga, I can do that. (It might not be "TEH FUNNY", but I could do it)

But, since I'm multidimensional, I'd want topics. Yeah, I want sports wisecracks. I'm hurting for not saying anything about Anna Benson (Kris Benson could have a 10.697 ERA and I don't think Minaya's trading him - he'll be at the team board meetings claiming "Just wait it out a little longer guys... Piazza almost got Kris to go to Scores last night, it's only a matter of time before he cracks, commits adultery, and we hit the jackpot!" And what's the waiting list like to be a Mets' batboy? Can I quit my day job for that gig? Does it have medical benefits?) I want gossip wisecracks, too - news wisecracks, politics wisecracks, dating wisecracks, entertainment wisecracks, and the occasional highly offensive joke.

And I want full power to rant on about whatever I want, as well. This is, after all, "The Lectern".

So, I have to get an organized set of topics, and I have to figure out how I'm going to attack them. Then, if I'm serious about this thing, I'll make a posting schedule, with content deadlines and a target publishing time.

I'll also chug Starbucks until I either make something happen here or I flip out and bite into my desk. Either way, it'll be entertaining!



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