Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Michael Powell gets OWNED; Artie Lange farts and is self-delighted

Howard calls out FCC boss

Since we're having a special racism theme here today, I'll recall something I read once about Michael Powell that ranks in the "Comments Actually Worse Than Their Offending Parts Hall Of Fame". Harry Belafonte, of all people - "Max, can you earmuff for me?" Yeah, look away, kids - once in an interview called him a "house ni**er", using the nasty and completely unacceptable, Paris Hilton-approved racial slur referring to black people - and then explained that term as being used to describe the slave that kissed the white master's ass so much that they were asked to live in the master's house instead of the slave shack somewhere else on the property. It was implying that Lil' Powell (Big Powell being Joint Chiefs / Sec. of State nonwithstanding) had sucked up so much to the Republican right that he was asked to "move into his master's house" with the Bush administration with an appointment as FCC Chairman. It was a cutting remark where the true meaning was actually more insulting than the 100%-taboo word used in the phrase. I didn't think that was possible with the n-word. Bravo, calypso man. Bravo.

I believe it was Tom Wolfe who suggested that there was no art finer than a well-placed and well-crafted insult. It applies here. That belongs in the damn Met if you ask me.


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