Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Gothamist Sells Out

Errr, I mean, Gothamist: Sell Outs. Ooops, my bad!

Seriously, look at this post. I'll be nice and say that it was all bad writing and a good idea executed poorly.

Still, as much as the second paragraph is silly, the third comes out of nowhere, and the end part is just bizarre, I'll just note the one thing that bugs me the most: You just dropped a list of a bunch of bands and places to buy tickets, yet I have no idea what any of these bands sound like nor what the venues are like. It's just sort of "Buy tickets! Hurry! Hurry!".

How can you post a link to rush-buy tickets for a band you can't say anything about? What's truly odd is that, while I'd love to ignorantly accuse them of name-dropping bands without knowing anything about them (fits with my argument from yesterday), I'm pretty sure they've done some reviews/articles of some of these bands through their "Sets and the City" feature or some other way. So why didn't they back-link? They ALWAYS back-link! Every story has a link to something else Gothamist wrote. (They even did it in the very first sentence) In the one place it'd be useful, they forget. Bah!

Well, at least in the music industry, you can act like a music know-it-all snob and be right in line with the same shit everyone else writes or says. Here's to presumptuous band geeks everywhere!


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