Friday, October 08, 2004

Dammit the world is boring today

This is a slow news day like no other news day. I'm quite frustrated. I like to hear funny things every once in a while, and nothing is funny today. No lesbians, no tales of anal sex, no one vomiting or soiling their pants unexpectedly. *sigh*

Can I waste space and give props to Bill Simmons? I just did.

Oh, interesting news. This happened around the corner from my house yesterday. Naturally, not even a car explosion can wake me up in the morning. This is why I'm so bad with office jobs. There was a big enough thread on Fark about it (mainly because it was initially announced as a car bombing, which conjured images of al Qaeda, Tony Soprano, and little remote control cars in a Dirty Harry movie), which was interesting: during the discussion, all these Weehawken people came out of the closet. Yes folks, when being gay is no longer such a big deal, us heterosexuals from New Jersey are the last frontier of hidden shame.


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