Monday, October 11, 2004

October 11, 2004

Sorry, this isn't going to be a happy news day, apparently.

`Superman' star Christopher Reeve dies (age 52)

Ken Caminiti, '96 NL MVP, dies at age 41

Plus, there were a bunch of obituaries in the New York Times today for people in various fields of expertise (example:William Watkins, 78, Recorder of Marine Mammals' Calls, Dies). People are dropping like flies.

Just to bring you up to date, we've also lost Rodney Dangerfield, Ronald Reagan, one of the Ramones, Ray Charles, Marlon Brando, and Tony Randall so far this year. And Rick James (bitch). I think we should take a "time out" on the deaths, it's been too long of a year to watch anyone else go unexpectedly.

And you know there's a LOOONG list of people doing laps around the death pool right now. The clock is ticking on many former hard-partying athletes (what's LT been up to lately?), 60's rock stars (Keith Richards, I've got my eye on you to not wake up someday), aging movie stars (don't you know how old Clint Eastwood, Dennis Hopper, and Gene Hackman are? They're sleeper bets), and former politicians. Yeah, no more Bob Hopes and Strom Thurmonds... it's all going to happen so quickly.

Plus, we are overdue for a "unexpected young death". There's too big of a hipster party crowd in Hollywood for anyone to have not fucked up this year, yet. Besides, all it takes is an unexpected tragedy like a plane crash (Buddy Holly, Aaliyah), car crash (Princess Diana, James Dean, Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopes), or even an "I don't know what the hell happened to them" (Marilyn Monroe) to knock off a big star before the age of 40.

I'd prefer that this all take a break until next year after today.


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