Monday, November 01, 2004

I'm just not that into this book

Warning: Bitter but entirely sensible male ranting ahead.

He loves you not (NY Daily News)

Great. This should come with Bon Bons.

I do admit, the premise focuses on a good point: Men who play games are often, but not always, handling their relationships badly. I like a no-nonsense approach, so I can't disagree with the idea that women should avoid obsessing with rules and evaluate male behavior on its face value.


* Any advice that tells women to analyze relationship behavior in any way, shape, or form is bad advice.
* All of this "You go girl" crap is overplayed, old news, and nauseating
* Any dating book that casually ignores the severe faults of women in romance (especially if the book is about men's faults) is complete trash.

The biggest problem for women in dating is that they often don't know what the hell they want to begin with. (In contrast, mens' biggest problem is that they often fail to keep women happy or excited - but they sure do know how to make women go crazy, even if unintentionally) If you fail to address that issue on a case-by-case basis, then you're inviting disaster.

Hey, men ARE simple to figure out. We want sex, friends, and food. Give us ONE of the three and we're usually pretty happy. All you have to do is screen out the assholes. How come I can figure out if someone's an asshole within 5 seconds of meeting them, yet women seem to either not know or not care?

Oh well, at least you now have something to read when you're home all alone. With your cats and "Sex and the City" reruns.


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